Thursday, April 17, 2014

From where I stand.

     Worship changes our perspective. It shifts our focus off of our circumstances. When our hearts are overwhelmed with the things we are facing, it is so easy to become discouraged, and to slip into despair that anything can ever change or that we will make it through a struggle. Turning our gaze to the Father who loves us, and focusing on who he is, and who he says we are, even just for a moment can change our whole world view.

     I can go from being in a very dark place emotionally and mentally, and a moment after I truly step into his presence, all of my fear and anxiety just drops away. It doesn't change one circumstance in my life, it changes where I am looking at them from. It lifts me up above my human perspective and allows me to see it from the angle of the one who knows my future and works all things together for my good. Worship moves me from being alone, to being carried and cherished. Because I remember. It's not about me.

He knows the way that I take, and when he has tried me, I will come out as gold.  Job23:10


Hope said...

love this

Priscilla said...

Thanks for saying that Hope. I love when something isn't just for me even though that really is the original intention of blogging for me. :)

Priscilla said...

Sarah, you always get it. :) <3

Gretchen said...


Priscilla said...

Thanks mom. :-)