Saturday, May 24, 2008


School is finally out and I am so glad! I was more than ready for Summer break and I wasn't even the one who had to go and sit there for 7 1/2 hours every day. But I will say that my alarm is going on a SERIOUS vacation! :) Cahira did so good though, and we are really proud of her. She got excellent grades and is officially moving on to 1st grade in the fall. We met her at the door with balloons and had some cupcakes to celebrate. (And... I forgot the camera sitting by the door, so my apologies for the lack of visual stimulus....) Then we grabbed some pizza and went down by the lake to eat! (this is why I am not very fond of Winter... Spring and Summer are just too great!)

Now we are all full of plans for trips to visit Family and camping with friends, playing in the water as much as possible and trying to get my baby plants in the ground before it's July! :D

Hope you all are enjoying the beauty of the season and a bit of a break from routines!

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